I'll be honest. My heart grieves at the turn our country took today. I have so many reasons why I would not have had Barack Obama become president. But if there is no other reason, it would be because of the unborn. President-Elect Obama said on July 17, 2007 that the first thing he would do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. This Act will essentially nullify the state laws and restrictions that have been placed on abortion, including parental notification, restrictions on government funds and, tragically, the ban on partial birth abortion. As a result, our nation will see at least 125,000 more abortions per year, in addition to the 1.3 million that already take place. (http://www.lifenews.com/nat4359.html) This is a tragedy that grieves my heart more than I can express.
But even as I write this, I am listening to the International House of Prayer lift up Barack Obama before the Lord. And as much as my heart and human understanding lead me to grieve, I know that my Lord's leadership is perfect. He has given us this man for his purposes and his purposes are good. So, Father, I want to join in the prayers being lifted up for President-Elect Obama. Would you reveal yourself to him for who you truly are. Will you visit him with dreams and visions. Will you show him how great and wide and deep is your love for him. Thank you for what you are going to do through this man as he leads our nation. And thank you that you are faithful in all your ways.
I was so blessed today to hear from an amazing young woman regarding the abortion issue. Would you please take some time to hear her story?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Blessed Beyond Measure
It's been so long since I entered a blog that I decided I must write one today n
o matter what. So much has happened since I last wrote. The biggest event, of course, was giving birth. Aaron Justice Stroup was born on July 25th and weighed 8 lbs. 15 oz. That makes him six weeks old today. He is a great little guy who seems to know that he's the fifth and fits himself right in to our routine. He has always been a great sleeper at night, which has been a huge blessing for me. Right now he seems to go 7-8 hours between feedings on most nights. He also has started smiling at me and cooing a lot.
We also started school this week. It's going very well. I feel like God has grown me over the summer as far as how I approach teaching. I think that the things he has shown me are helping me to be more patient and better able to help the kids when they are stuck. Rebecca is in fourth grade, Daniel in third and Joel in kindergarten. Daniel started Switched on Schoolhouse this year, which he loves since it's computer based. He watched Rebecca do it all last year and was itching to start school. Joel is "officially" in school now and is quite a concientous worker. He is quite meticulous about his work and wants to get it just right - ahhh, a teacher's dream. I'm trying a new reading curriculum with him this year called "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons." So far I really, really like it. He's enjoying the lessons as well. It's almost like we're playing a game together and he's learning without realizing it.
I have had many people ask me about how the adoption process is going. Let's see, the last news I gave was our experience at the foster care orientation class. Since then, we've done many of the home improvements that we need to become certified. Matthew worked hard during his time home after the baby. (We were blessed to have him home for ten days!) He set up both Rebecca and Daniels' rooms so that they now have capacity for two kids in each. So if we get our dream of one boy and one girl, we are ready to go. He also installed seven smoke alarms, one in each bedroom, one in the bonus room and an extra one in the hallway. I'm so glad to have the alarms in all the bedrooms. He also built our painting shelves into lockable cabinets, as well as installing Tot Locks in the laundry room where we will be able to keep our medicines and dangerous chemicals. He installed a wire shelf above the washer and dryer so that we can keep non-toxic cleaning supplies easily accessable but still out of reach to little hands. And since he didn't have quite enough to do with all this work and helping take care of the kids, he also touched up all the paint around the house, including our baseboards, which were sorely in need of some fresh paint.
Probably the most exciting news, though, is that we have all the money we need to finish our certification process. About a month ago, we got an unexpected check in the mail that more than covers our expenses. We not only have enough for the fees and such, but we also have enough to but things like cute comforters for the beds and the extra dresser that we need for Daniel's room. Finances have been the biggest determining factor in all this and have also been something that we are looking at to show us if God is opening or closing doors. So far, the doors keep opening. Well, it's more like they are flinging as wide as they can. People told me that if this was what God wanted, the finances would never be an issue. So it's very exciting seeing him do his work.
Now that we have the funds, we really need to get over to the police station and get our background checks started. Maybe we can go over there today...hmmm. Anyway, with that started, there will be some other minor paperwork things to do and the home improvements to finish. But we are pretty close to being ready to start our home study process. Very exciting! We also are scheduled to attend an adoption orientation class, which I'm really looking forward to. It will be similar to the foster care class, but with a focus on adoption, of course. I have been so impressed with how Koinonia really prepares their families. I can't tell you how much of a comfort it is to me to have their covering over us.
One more thing, we still need a 12 passenger van. I think that of all the big vans out there, I would like a Cheverolet Express the most. We're thinking that with our tax return next year we should be able to pay at least a good chunk of money down on one and only finance a small portion of it. Actually, my prayer is that we would find one that we can pay cash for. Anyway, last night I was at a meeting for our home school co-op and was sharing with one of the other moms about how God has provided finanically for this adoption. I added that all we need now is the van and she said that she would have her husband start looking out for one. I didn't even realize that he was in the car business, but I'm very excited at the prospect of having someone we know who is also plugged in to selling cars help us out. I don't know if anything will come of it or if God's provision will come from elsewhere. But I certainly feel God's support through that offer. On a side note, I never realized how many Chevy Express Vans there were out there! But now I see them all the time. Most of them are cargo vans. But the other day I saw a passenger one going down the road. You know, those things aren't small. And there's really nothing cool about driving one around. But I have never wanted to drive a vehicle like I want to drive one of those. :)
I can just see myself going here and there in my minibus full of kids. It'll be like a party going down the road! I love having a big family!
Thank you, everyone who is praying. We are blessed beyond measure.
Oh, one more thing. Check out one of my friend's blogs at www.1boast.net. You'll be amazed at their story!

We also started school this week. It's going very well. I feel like God has grown me over the summer as far as how I approach teaching. I think that the things he has shown me are helping me to be more patient and better able to help the kids when they are stuck. Rebecca is in fourth grade, Daniel in third and Joel in kindergarten. Daniel started Switched on Schoolhouse this year, which he loves since it's computer based. He watched Rebecca do it all last year and was itching to start school. Joel is "officially" in school now and is quite a concientous worker. He is quite meticulous about his work and wants to get it just right - ahhh, a teacher's dream. I'm trying a new reading curriculum with him this year called "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons." So far I really, really like it. He's enjoying the lessons as well. It's almost like we're playing a game together and he's learning without realizing it.
I have had many people ask me about how the adoption process is going. Let's see, the last news I gave was our experience at the foster care orientation class. Since then, we've done many of the home improvements that we need to become certified. Matthew worked hard during his time home after the baby. (We were blessed to have him home for ten days!) He set up both Rebecca and Daniels' rooms so that they now have capacity for two kids in each. So if we get our dream of one boy and one girl, we are ready to go. He also installed seven smoke alarms, one in each bedroom, one in the bonus room and an extra one in the hallway. I'm so glad to have the alarms in all the bedrooms. He also built our painting shelves into lockable cabinets, as well as installing Tot Locks in the laundry room where we will be able to keep our medicines and dangerous chemicals. He installed a wire shelf above the washer and dryer so that we can keep non-toxic cleaning supplies easily accessable but still out of reach to little hands. And since he didn't have quite enough to do with all this work and helping take care of the kids, he also touched up all the paint around the house, including our baseboards, which were sorely in need of some fresh paint.
Probably the most exciting news, though, is that we have all the money we need to finish our certification process. About a month ago, we got an unexpected check in the mail that more than covers our expenses. We not only have enough for the fees and such, but we also have enough to but things like cute comforters for the beds and the extra dresser that we need for Daniel's room. Finances have been the biggest determining factor in all this and have also been something that we are looking at to show us if God is opening or closing doors. So far, the doors keep opening. Well, it's more like they are flinging as wide as they can. People told me that if this was what God wanted, the finances would never be an issue. So it's very exciting seeing him do his work.
Now that we have the funds, we really need to get over to the police station and get our background checks started. Maybe we can go over there today...hmmm. Anyway, with that started, there will be some other minor paperwork things to do and the home improvements to finish. But we are pretty close to being ready to start our home study process. Very exciting! We also are scheduled to attend an adoption orientation class, which I'm really looking forward to. It will be similar to the foster care class, but with a focus on adoption, of course. I have been so impressed with how Koinonia really prepares their families. I can't tell you how much of a comfort it is to me to have their covering over us.
One more thing, we still need a 12 passenger van. I think that of all the big vans out there, I would like a Cheverolet Express the most. We're thinking that with our tax return next year we should be able to pay at least a good chunk of money down on one and only finance a small portion of it. Actually, my prayer is that we would find one that we can pay cash for. Anyway, last night I was at a meeting for our home school co-op and was sharing with one of the other moms about how God has provided finanically for this adoption. I added that all we need now is the van and she said that she would have her husband start looking out for one. I didn't even realize that he was in the car business, but I'm very excited at the prospect of having someone we know who is also plugged in to selling cars help us out. I don't know if anything will come of it or if God's provision will come from elsewhere. But I certainly feel God's support through that offer. On a side note, I never realized how many Chevy Express Vans there were out there! But now I see them all the time. Most of them are cargo vans. But the other day I saw a passenger one going down the road. You know, those things aren't small. And there's really nothing cool about driving one around. But I have never wanted to drive a vehicle like I want to drive one of those. :)

Thank you, everyone who is praying. We are blessed beyond measure.
Oh, one more thing. Check out one of my friend's blogs at www.1boast.net. You'll be amazed at their story!
Monday, July 21, 2008
It's Here!
No, it's not the baby. :) Today is my due date and he's still very happily staying indoors. I will see the doctor on Wednesday and we'll see what he has to say. So much for 39 weeks, huh? Oh well. It's been very good practice at being content with God's timetable instead of mine. I've had a couple of rough spots where I felt like I was going crazy. Actually, almost every morning now that I think of it. But I'm really trying to submit my heart to God's plan for each day.
What we did get, though, is that furniture. It has turned out better than I expected. It's a loft bed with another bed that comes out at an L shape. Then it has a five drawer dresser, a small wardrobe, and a bookshelf all of which fits nicely under the loft bed. So it will be pretty compact, which is great for the wall space in Rebecca's room. It is pretty scuffed and dinged, but we'll clean it with some oil soap and that should help. That will probably have to wait until after the baby comes, though. :)
We met with our pastor last week about fost-adopting. Although what he said was very challenging to me, it was good. The two things I took away from it were first that our natural kids have to come first. This is something that we learned in our foster care orientation class, but our talk with our pastor strengthened that resolve in my mind. Second, I had started to hold on to this whole idea like it had to happen instead of holding it with an open hand. Although I firmly believe that fost-adoption is in our future, if I hold on to it tightly and don't let God be the one to make it happen, we will have a disaster on our hands. So I need to guard my heart regarding that.
So, we haven't had any big developments, but I thought I'd share our little victories. Hopefully, my next post will involve pictures of a cute little newborn. :)
What we did get, though, is that furniture. It has turned out better than I expected. It's a loft bed with another bed that comes out at an L shape. Then it has a five drawer dresser, a small wardrobe, and a bookshelf all of which fits nicely under the loft bed. So it will be pretty compact, which is great for the wall space in Rebecca's room. It is pretty scuffed and dinged, but we'll clean it with some oil soap and that should help. That will probably have to wait until after the baby comes, though. :)
We met with our pastor last week about fost-adopting. Although what he said was very challenging to me, it was good. The two things I took away from it were first that our natural kids have to come first. This is something that we learned in our foster care orientation class, but our talk with our pastor strengthened that resolve in my mind. Second, I had started to hold on to this whole idea like it had to happen instead of holding it with an open hand. Although I firmly believe that fost-adoption is in our future, if I hold on to it tightly and don't let God be the one to make it happen, we will have a disaster on our hands. So I need to guard my heart regarding that.
So, we haven't had any big developments, but I thought I'd share our little victories. Hopefully, my next post will involve pictures of a cute little newborn. :)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Open Doors

Probably one of the most encouraging parts of the day for me was at the end, when we sat down one-on-one with Bill and just talked with him. As we explained that we have (almost) five kids at home aged 9

Koinonia also offers parents a lot of support including ongoing training as well as 24/7 help from our social worker. We also found out that in most cases, after the county social worker places the child with us, our main contact will be our Koinonia social worker. So we will continue to work with people who have the same vision and heart that we have. I am so grateful that God lead us to go through Koinonia, because I feel like we are being protected and supported where we're at and not being expected to fulfill a calling that we have not been given.
Speaking of callings, we came into this planning on adopting not fostering. However, as we learn more, we really believe that God would not have us limit how he wants to use us either as foster or adoptive parents. So we are not going to put any limitations on who they can offer us. For instance, if a child has just been removed from their home and there is a good possibility that they will go back home, we will still be open to fostering them for a time. Our ultimate goal is still adoption. And it could be that the first placement we get will be the ones God has for our family. However, if part of God's plan for us is to have an influence in the life of a child who may not stay with us, we do not want to say no to that. It seems like he may have lured us into one of his divine traps by getting us to say yes to a little without knowing the "a lot" that he has planned. I think it's called bait and switch. So typical of him. :)
Another blessing that just happened is some furniture. I found a matching set of solid oak bunk beds, a chest of drawers and a little wardrobe (which the kids think would be great for pretending Narnia in) priced at $150. But I wasn't really sure about it. It's almost got a nautical style to it all and it's got quite a few dings and such in it. Also, I felt that we needed to spend about $100 on the furniture in order to be frugal with our adoption money and this set co

You've probably noticed that I have not had the baby yet. :) When I went to the doctor on Wednesday, I was dilated to 3cm. I usually am at about a 4 when I go into labor. So we're certainly getting close. I have regularly been having contractions throughout the day and increasing in the evening, but nothing enough to get me worked up yet. However, they are becoming stronger and more painful - not really painful, but it's there. Tomorrow is my "official" 39 week mark. Because I felt like God said to pray for 39 weeks, I'm having a hard time disciplining my soul not to be anxious about going into labor tomorrow - or to have any expectations really. And my pride would not like it much if I had to admit that I was wrong about what God said. Blah to my flesh! Anyway, be thinking of us and praying this week. I'm ready to hold my newest little boy in my arms. I think we all are.
God is so amazingly good. He is asking us to step out in faith quite a bit right now. It's very stretching, to say the least! And it's only just begun. I know that what he is calling us to is not easy, but as he provides the open doors and we walk through in obedience and faith, I know that he will meet us with exactly what we need for each circumstance. I think I would rather be on this journey with him than sitting safely in my little box waiting for nothing.

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Hiding in God
Yesterday, I heard the story of a family who adopted an older foster child. This child ended up molesting all the natural children in the home. But that information didn't come out until all the children were grown. At the time I heard this story, it happened that I was watching my oldest, Rebecca, and her friend play on the Webkins website. Both Rebecca and her friend are home schooled. So there is a level of innocence in them that public school children just don't get to have. In fact, it's one of the reasons that I love home schooling. So as I sat there imagining that my daughter could be hurt in the same way these other children were, the fear that I have faced since well before we ever made the decision to fost-adopt and, in fact, what has kept me from wanting to ever bring troubled children into my home, came back stronger than ever. I went and found a private place where I could cry out to God without interruption. In a nut shell, I reminded God that this was not my idea in the first place, but his. I was very happy with my sheltered little family and was not asking for him to rock our world like this. Then I pleaded with him that if this is not his will for us, that he would undeniably shut the doors on us and not allow us to walk through them. The only way I want to go through with this is if God is the one leading us. Otherwise, it is foolishness. As I prayed, God once again brought the scripture to my mind that he gave me a couple of years ago to pray specifically over Matthew, but vicariously over our whole family, since Matthew is our spiritual head. It's also one of the scriptures that I heard at church the night I surrendered to this idea of God's. The whole chapter is pretty much about not just going through the motions of religion, such as fasting, but putting feet to your faith.
Is. 58:5-9
vs. 5 Is this really the kind of fasting I want?
Do I want a day when people merely humble themselves,
bowing their heads like a reed
and stretching out on sackcloth and ashes?
Is this really what you call a fast,
a day that is pleasing to the Lord?
vs. 6 No, this is the kind of fast I want.
I want you to remove the sinful chains,
to tear away the ropes of the burdensome yoke,
to set free the oppressed,
and to break every burdensome yoke.
vs. 7 I want you to share your food with the hungry
and to provide shelter for homeless, oppressed people.
When you see someone naked, clothe him!
Don’t turn your back on your own flesh and blood!
vs. 8 Then your light will shine like the sunrise;
your restoration will quickly arrive;
your godly behavior will go before you,
and the Lord’s splendor will be your rear guard.
vs. 9a Then you will call out, and the Lord will respond;
you will cry out, and he will reply, ‘Here I am.’
I could put more, but you get the idea. As I was crying out before him, that's what he spoke to me, "Is this not the kind of fast that I require?" What can I say to that? This is the fast he has required of us. My heart once again at peace, I committed myself to follow him wherever he leads, trusting him to protect and guide us - and especially to keep us from evil and close the doors if we are going in the wrong direction.
That night during worship at church, our pastor shared the story of how Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal. How the priests of Baal did everything they could to get him to consume their offering, including self mutilation, yet nothing happened. Then Elijah prepared his sacrifice by not only providing the altar, wood, and offering, but also by digging a trench around the altar and soaking the whole thing with water. Then he asked God to accept his offering, whereupon God proceeded to send fire from heaven that consumed the offering, wood, stones of the alter and all the water. I felt challenged that this is the attitude I need to take towards this season in our lives. I don't have to try to make this work out. I pretty much just need to do what is right before me and even to "pour water" on it, refusing to try to help God make this possible. Then I am allowing God to show his power and glory, not mine. This is especially true in the financial area, since that is probably the biggest open and closed door at this point. As I was praying over all this, I gave the financial provision back to God and told him that if he wants to make this happen, it will have to be him.
At this juncture, we have a little over $300 of the $520 that we need to finance the first part of our foster and adoption certification. After church, I kid you not, we were given a check for $100 specifically for the adoption. Our friends who gave it to us said that the husband had felt lead to give it to us. But the wife forgot about it until they saw me at church that night. Then she felt like they were supposed to give it to us that night. I was completely and totally undone. Here I was pleading for closed doors to keep us from going the wrong way, and God just reconfirmed that the doors are not closed! God's timing never ceases to amaze me. They had no idea the process I had gone through that day, but they listened to the Lord and blessed us with much more than $100. They really were the hand of God's blessing and approval for us last night.
So I wanted to share that story with you. God is so good that even though I walk through the valley of shadow and death, I will fear no evil, for he is with me.
On a side note, I had an ultrasound today to try to help determine the size of our baby that is due on the 21st. Since Ethan was 9 lbs. 9 oz. and almost got stuck, the doctor is being more cautious about letting this baby get too big for me to push out. Anyway, he is as cute as can be. His cheeks are so chubby and he seems to have Joel's nose. The whole time we were looking at him, his little lips were puckered in that cute little pucker that newborns do. It made me want to kiss them. I have had a hard time grasping the reality that we really are having another baby. So it was good for my heart to get to see him and know that this little person is part of our family.
Please pray for wisdom for us and the doctor. If the doctor feels that the baby is getting too big, he will want to do a C-section rather than endanger me or the baby. But I have had all my children naturally and really would prefer not to go the C-section route. Honsetly, this baby doesn't feel as big as Ethan did. So I am pretty comfortable with going the natural route. But we will need agreement on this between us and the doctor. Also, I felt a few weeks ago that God gave me faith to pray for the baby to come at 39 weeks instead of 40+. Although this could just me the desperate cry of a woman who's really tired of being pregnant, I did feel like it was a God thought, not mine. So that is what I am praying for, but planning on going full term. If you would also pray with me for 39 weeks, that would be awesome. God is never still or silent, is he? :) Have a blessed week!
Is. 58:5-9
vs. 5 Is this really the kind of fasting I want?
Do I want a day when people merely humble themselves,
bowing their heads like a reed
and stretching out on sackcloth and ashes?
Is this really what you call a fast,
a day that is pleasing to the Lord?
vs. 6 No, this is the kind of fast I want.
I want you to remove the sinful chains,
to tear away the ropes of the burdensome yoke,
to set free the oppressed,
and to break every burdensome yoke.
vs. 7 I want you to share your food with the hungry
and to provide shelter for homeless, oppressed people.
When you see someone naked, clothe him!
Don’t turn your back on your own flesh and blood!
vs. 8 Then your light will shine like the sunrise;
your restoration will quickly arrive;
your godly behavior will go before you,
and the Lord’s splendor will be your rear guard.
vs. 9a Then you will call out, and the Lord will respond;
you will cry out, and he will reply, ‘Here I am.’
I could put more, but you get the idea. As I was crying out before him, that's what he spoke to me, "Is this not the kind of fast that I require?" What can I say to that? This is the fast he has required of us. My heart once again at peace, I committed myself to follow him wherever he leads, trusting him to protect and guide us - and especially to keep us from evil and close the doors if we are going in the wrong direction.
That night during worship at church, our pastor shared the story of how Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal. How the priests of Baal did everything they could to get him to consume their offering, including self mutilation, yet nothing happened. Then Elijah prepared his sacrifice by not only providing the altar, wood, and offering, but also by digging a trench around the altar and soaking the whole thing with water. Then he asked God to accept his offering, whereupon God proceeded to send fire from heaven that consumed the offering, wood, stones of the alter and all the water. I felt challenged that this is the attitude I need to take towards this season in our lives. I don't have to try to make this work out. I pretty much just need to do what is right before me and even to "pour water" on it, refusing to try to help God make this possible. Then I am allowing God to show his power and glory, not mine. This is especially true in the financial area, since that is probably the biggest open and closed door at this point. As I was praying over all this, I gave the financial provision back to God and told him that if he wants to make this happen, it will have to be him.
At this juncture, we have a little over $300 of the $520 that we need to finance the first part of our foster and adoption certification. After church, I kid you not, we were given a check for $100 specifically for the adoption. Our friends who gave it to us said that the husband had felt lead to give it to us. But the wife forgot about it until they saw me at church that night. Then she felt like they were supposed to give it to us that night. I was completely and totally undone. Here I was pleading for closed doors to keep us from going the wrong way, and God just reconfirmed that the doors are not closed! God's timing never ceases to amaze me. They had no idea the process I had gone through that day, but they listened to the Lord and blessed us with much more than $100. They really were the hand of God's blessing and approval for us last night.
So I wanted to share that story with you. God is so good that even though I walk through the valley of shadow and death, I will fear no evil, for he is with me.
On a side note, I had an ultrasound today to try to help determine the size of our baby that is due on the 21st. Since Ethan was 9 lbs. 9 oz. and almost got stuck, the doctor is being more cautious about letting this baby get too big for me to push out. Anyway, he is as cute as can be. His cheeks are so chubby and he seems to have Joel's nose. The whole time we were looking at him, his little lips were puckered in that cute little pucker that newborns do. It made me want to kiss them. I have had a hard time grasping the reality that we really are having another baby. So it was good for my heart to get to see him and know that this little person is part of our family.
Please pray for wisdom for us and the doctor. If the doctor feels that the baby is getting too big, he will want to do a C-section rather than endanger me or the baby. But I have had all my children naturally and really would prefer not to go the C-section route. Honsetly, this baby doesn't feel as big as Ethan did. So I am pretty comfortable with going the natural route. But we will need agreement on this between us and the doctor. Also, I felt a few weeks ago that God gave me faith to pray for the baby to come at 39 weeks instead of 40+. Although this could just me the desperate cry of a woman who's really tired of being pregnant, I did feel like it was a God thought, not mine. So that is what I am praying for, but planning on going full term. If you would also pray with me for 39 weeks, that would be awesome. God is never still or silent, is he? :) Have a blessed week!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Start

This is the beginning of our journey to adopt. We have already been blessed with five children of our own. We have Rebecca (9), Daniel (7), Joel (4), Ethan (2) and one due in about three weeks. Six weeks ago, adoption was the furthest thing from my mind. I had always thought that if we were to adopt we would get a baby. But that just didn't excite me. So since I had no passion for it, I figured that we just were not called to adoption. I discredited the idea of bringing older children into our home, because their history probably would not be that great. And I didn't want to endanger our existing children. But God started opening my heart to it back in May and he didn't relent. He gave us this crazy idea to adopt older children that set my heart on fire until I could do nothing but say yes to his plan. After a late night talk, Matthew and I agreed to pursue foster-adoption and see how far God wants us to go with it.
We decided to go through Koinonia Family Services. (www.kfh.org) They are a faith based organization who acts as a middle man between us and the state foster care program. We have heard only good things about them through our church. So we knew this would be the way to go. The director of adoption services with Koinonia goes to our church. So I put a call in to him and he was very encouraging to me that as we take each step in obedience to God, he will open and close the doors as he wills. So we sent in our application and began the wait for them to process it.
Over the next week, I went from being excited to terrified to excited again about this new journey we are on. But God is so good to reassure us of our path. One week after I had sent in the application, I was at a birthday party. While I was there, I met a couple who had adopted their two year old son. Not only that, but they are actually the first couple to have ever adopted through Koinonia! You see, Koinonia used to be a foster care agency only. About two years ago, they added adoption services to their program and this family was the first one to complete an adoption through them. I once again was amazed at how God was confirming his desire for us to pursue this. I went away from the birthday party with a new excitement.
Since then, I have been able to talk to the person who will be coordinating our foster placement. She is coming to our house the 10th of July to do an initial assessment of the home and what we will need to do to make it ready for a foster child. We know there are things like having all medicines, cleaning supplies, yard chemicals and paint locked up. And we'll find out what else we need to do at that meeting. We also are going to be attending our first class, which is a foster care orientation class on July 12th. So we are very excited to see this dream moving forward.
We are not sure where the money we need for all this will come from. The fees alone for various classes and paperwork total $740. We need $570 of this pretty quick. However, we have been able to come up with about $320 of it so far. And God is the one who came up with this whole idea in the first place. So if he wants it to happen, he will provide what we need when we need it.
We also need a bigger vehicle. We could technically take on one foster child with our current van. Our family would just have to take two cars places if we were to all go somewhere together. But we're really hoping for two children, a sibling pair. So a bigger van seems pretty important. I have found that we could get a used van pool van from Enterprise for about $15,000. I have NO idea where we're going to get that money from. But again, God will show us the way as he sees fit. So I'm more excited to see how God intends to show his glory than worried about it happening. Who knows but that someone has a van sitting there waiting to give it to us? :)
I am going to be spending the next two weeks working like crazy to get as much paperwork as I can done before our first walk through. But if anything interesting happens, I'll be sure to post it. Please, pray for us as we are not only preparing for the birth of our new baby, but also the birth of a new dream.
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