Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hiding in God

Yesterday, I heard the story of a family who adopted an older foster child. This child ended up molesting all the natural children in the home. But that information didn't come out until all the children were grown. At the time I heard this story, it happened that I was watching my oldest, Rebecca, and her friend play on the Webkins website. Both Rebecca and her friend are home schooled. So there is a level of innocence in them that public school children just don't get to have. In fact, it's one of the reasons that I love home schooling. So as I sat there imagining that my daughter could be hurt in the same way these other children were, the fear that I have faced since well before we ever made the decision to fost-adopt and, in fact, what has kept me from wanting to ever bring troubled children into my home, came back stronger than ever. I went and found a private place where I could cry out to God without interruption. In a nut shell, I reminded God that this was not my idea in the first place, but his. I was very happy with my sheltered little family and was not asking for him to rock our world like this. Then I pleaded with him that if this is not his will for us, that he would undeniably shut the doors on us and not allow us to walk through them. The only way I want to go through with this is if God is the one leading us. Otherwise, it is foolishness. As I prayed, God once again brought the scripture to my mind that he gave me a couple of years ago to pray specifically over Matthew, but vicariously over our whole family, since Matthew is our spiritual head. It's also one of the scriptures that I heard at church the night I surrendered to this idea of God's. The whole chapter is pretty much about not just going through the motions of religion, such as fasting, but putting feet to your faith.

Is. 58:5-9
vs. 5 Is this really the kind of fasting I want?
Do I want a day when people merely humble themselves,
bowing their heads like a reed
and stretching out on sackcloth and ashes?
Is this really what you call a fast,
a day that is pleasing to the Lord?
vs. 6 No, this is the kind of fast I want.
I want you to remove the sinful chains,
to tear away the ropes of the burdensome yoke,
to set free the oppressed,
and to break every burdensome yoke.
vs. 7 I want you to share your food with the hungry
and to provide shelter for homeless, oppressed people.
When you see someone naked, clothe him!
Don’t turn your back on your own flesh and blood!
vs. 8 Then your light will shine like the sunrise;
your restoration will quickly arrive;
your godly behavior will go before you,
and the Lord’s splendor will be your rear guard.
vs. 9a Then you will call out, and the Lord will respond;
you will cry out, and he will reply, ‘Here I am.’

I could put more, but you get the idea. As I was crying out before him, that's what he spoke to me, "Is this not the kind of fast that I require?" What can I say to that? This is the fast he has required of us. My heart once again at peace, I committed myself to follow him wherever he leads, trusting him to protect and guide us - and especially to keep us from evil and close the doors if we are going in the wrong direction.

That night during worship at church, our pastor shared the story of how Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal. How the priests of Baal did everything they could to get him to consume their offering, including self mutilation, yet nothing happened. Then Elijah prepared his sacrifice by not only providing the altar, wood, and offering, but also by digging a trench around the altar and soaking the whole thing with water. Then he asked God to accept his offering, whereupon God proceeded to send fire from heaven that consumed the offering, wood, stones of the alter and all the water. I felt challenged that this is the attitude I need to take towards this season in our lives. I don't have to try to make this work out. I pretty much just need to do what is right before me and even to "pour water" on it, refusing to try to help God make this possible. Then I am allowing God to show his power and glory, not mine. This is especially true in the financial area, since that is probably the biggest open and closed door at this point. As I was praying over all this, I gave the financial provision back to God and told him that if he wants to make this happen, it will have to be him.

At this juncture, we have a little over $300 of the $520 that we need to finance the first part of our foster and adoption certification. After church, I kid you not, we were given a check for $100 specifically for the adoption. Our friends who gave it to us said that the husband had felt lead to give it to us. But the wife forgot about it until they saw me at church that night. Then she felt like they were supposed to give it to us that night. I was completely and totally undone. Here I was pleading for closed doors to keep us from going the wrong way, and God just reconfirmed that the doors are not closed! God's timing never ceases to amaze me. They had no idea the process I had gone through that day, but they listened to the Lord and blessed us with much more than $100. They really were the hand of God's blessing and approval for us last night.

So I wanted to share that story with you. God is so good that even though I walk through the valley of shadow and death, I will fear no evil, for he is with me.

On a side note, I had an ultrasound today to try to help determine the size of our baby that is due on the 21st. Since Ethan was 9 lbs. 9 oz. and almost got stuck, the doctor is being more cautious about letting this baby get too big for me to push out. Anyway, he is as cute as can be. His cheeks are so chubby and he seems to have Joel's nose. The whole time we were looking at him, his little lips were puckered in that cute little pucker that newborns do. It made me want to kiss them. I have had a hard time grasping the reality that we really are having another baby. So it was good for my heart to get to see him and know that this little person is part of our family.

Please pray for wisdom for us and the doctor. If the doctor feels that the baby is getting too big, he will want to do a C-section rather than endanger me or the baby. But I have had all my children naturally and really would prefer not to go the C-section route. Honsetly, this baby doesn't feel as big as Ethan did. So I am pretty comfortable with going the natural route. But we will need agreement on this between us and the doctor. Also, I felt a few weeks ago that God gave me faith to pray for the baby to come at 39 weeks instead of 40+. Although this could just me the desperate cry of a woman who's really tired of being pregnant, I did feel like it was a God thought, not mine. So that is what I am praying for, but planning on going full term. If you would also pray with me for 39 weeks, that would be awesome. God is never still or silent, is he? :) Have a blessed week!


Robbie said...

To my darling daughter and son. I am so proud to see you walk out the your faith in God.

As a mom I wanted terribly bad for you girls to have a REAL, solid, active, personal relationship with God, yet I always knew that it was your choice to walk with Him or not. That is a scary thought for parents to have, that your children may not choose Him. Yet I pressed into the Lord, into the Word and prayed and prayed and prayed. God was always there. He would reveal Himself in His Word or through a prophetic word, or worship, or peace in my heart. It is not an easy road raising up children for Him but one that makes us dependent on Him for our every breath, for we know that we cannot do this thing alone and in fact we can't make it happen at all. I knew all I could do was what God told me to do and pray without ceasing.

Now I see you doing the same thing, walking in faith in God, the faith of your forefathers, and I know that I know that I know that God will lead your every footstep. I know from experience that He will direct your steps. I know that when you roll your works on Him and trust them wholly to Him, He will make even your thoughts to become agreeable to His will and so shall your plans ne established succeed. Prov. 16:3 I know Him to be true and faithful.

I believe that as we ALL pray for the children in our family that they will ALL choose Him. It is a simple faith that I have, the faith of a child, for I believe that when my Father says something that He will be true to His Word. I have no doubt although the enemy would try and scare me.

If God does open these doors I believe HE will give you supernatural eyes and ears to see and hear what is not being done or said in your presence. I believe He will give you the tools you need to be vigilant in all your ways as a mommy. I believe He will help you keep your birth children safe and that He will show you how to love, raise and save the children that He births into your family.

And I know that He will restore the years the cancer worm has eaten, for you will not always be able to do everything right.

Daddy and I will also always be here to help you see and hear. I, as always, am overcome withfor God is beyond amazing!

I love you,

Salt Racer said...

Wow. That's amazing.


Michelle said...

I am in awe of how much God loves us and communicates with us just when we need it. Yesterday morning, the same day that you were dealing with doubts and fears, I read something in My Utmost for His Highest which I felt was for you, but then forgot to share with you. So here it is:

"Don't plan with a concern for evil in mind. Does God really mean for us to plan without taking the evil around us into account? "Love . . . thinks no evil" (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). Love is not ignorant of the existence of evil, but it does not take it into account as a factor in planning. When we were apart from God, we did take evil into account, doing all of our planning with it in mind, and we tried to reason out all of our work from this standpoint."

What a non-intuitive way to plan! We tend to think that we are so wise to plan with evil in mind, when He actually only wants us to plan with love in mind. He will take care of the evil as we focus and depend on Him. It seems so foolish and naive, but God's wisdom IS foolishness to man's way of thinking! He will show Himself faithful when we obey Him.

Love you, sis!

Josh said...

Wow! I really wish we could have spent more time together last summer when we were all at chuck and elizabeth's. you really are an encouragement to me. i can't explain it, but God is really using you to encourage me =)

Melissa Tattershall
(I don't have a blog so I am signed under Joshua's.)

Unknown said...

Thanks, everyone, for your incredible encouragement. It's so wonderful to know how many people are standing behind us. And I feel so weak and incapable of doing this. But I know that God will give us what we need to walk through this. I love all of you!

Unknown said...

I just want to say "ditto" to everything everyone else said! And I'll add that God delights to put His favor on you - just because! He is grinning because He sees you looking back at Him.

Love, Laura

Charlotte said...

Well... it tore my heart to read this post, knowing that I was the one who told you that story. I hated to even tell you. When I was told the story, I wanted to just swallow it and protect you, knowing you've considered this before. But, as you know, I had no choice but to tell you.

However, as I was reading the portion about Elijah, I felt God speak to me that I was supposed to tell you the story, and it was supposed to be at a time that you were vulnerable so that you could be pushed to bare your heart to God again and let Him build up your courage and faith. When we are not challenged, we do not grow.

I loved what you said about not only being a willing vessel to let God do what He wants, but to even douse the whole sacrifice with water so you can try to "prohibit" God from doing it... or rather, prove that it was never in man's power to do to begin with. I think that is a timely word for you in this season, as you have the responsibility of protecting your natural children, as well as pursue bringing in the orphans of the world who need a godly family.

Allow God to continue building up your faith and courage as more obstacles come. Even if God does close the doors in this area, it will only serve to make you a better mom to your children, and a stronger lover of Him.

I'm proud of you!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I knew that you were supposed to tell us, even though it was hard. I too felt like it was part of God's plan to refine us and prepare us for what's ahead. So I am grateful. Thanks for speaking what you needed to. :)