One interesting emotion I've encountered is the feeling of not wanting to invest so much of myself into him. Given that he is not going to be staying in our family forever, I have felt like he won't even benefit from the training he's receiving here. So I've had to remember that I am not doing this for any other reason than to obey the Lord. The final results are in his hand. And you never know what could happen in the future, or what kind of impact you could have that you never fathomed would take place.
I have been thinking about the scripture in Matthew 18:5-6 and 10.
"And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who trusts in me to lose faith, it would be better for that person to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around the neck.
Beware that you don't despise a single one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels are always in the presence of my heavenly Father."
There have been a few times in the last couple weeks when I've begun to despise having Joshua here. We've had some pretty challenging days, not just with him but with the other kids as well. Even though in my head I could tell myself that we're all adjusting to a new family member and he's adjusting to us, my emotions and my will were not so happy with the situation at times. But as I ponder Go
The other day, I was talking to my chiropractor and he commented that training Joshua must be fun. "Fun?" I said, "What do you mean?" He answered, "Well, you get to see him change and grow and improve under your care." I had never thought of it that way before. I tend to get caught up in the daily grind of character formation and forget to step back and look at the amazing honor I have been given to mold six little lives into people that love the Lord and bless the people around them. The other day, as I was trying to get the kitchen clean and dinner made at the same time and the "little ones" as we call the younger three were trying unsuccessfully to get along, I took a moment to remember the conversation I had with my chiropractor and thank the Lord for this tremendous blessing and privilege. It was amazing how quickly my heart went from grousing and complaining to soaring in joy.
The Lord told us that he wanted to use this experience to make us into the family that he wants us to be. In fact, I have reminded him and myself of this several times in the last couple of weeks. I am glad to know that he is not wasting any time.
I appreciate your honesty here. It's an amazing mix of emotions - adding different children to your home. I can completely relate to you! You have great perspective, though. It's good to know that what we are doing isn't about us, but about what God wants to do in us and in the lives of those little ones we are truly honored to be serving!
You are doing a great job!
Thanks, Sarah. :)
You told me once before I had children that they were the best remedy for selfishness. Boy have I found that to be true, not only for selfishness but every other area of my character as well! Last Friday, after a long afternoon of my character flaws rubbing against those of my children, I finally had to acknowledge to myself and God that I cannot succeed as a mother. (It was actually kind of a relief to admit it.) In my own strength I am a miserable failure. Only by Him coming and taking over can I do anything good. So I am inviting Him to come!
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