Saturday, August 1, 2009


Today I met the neatest old lady over the onions in the grocery store. I noticed her because of her face. It was just a glimpse, but it struck me as the sweetest countenance I had seen in a long time. I thought, "With a face like that, she must know Jesus." Then I noticed the WWJD bracelet on her wrist. So I said, "Excuse me, but your face has the sweetest countenance I have seen in a long time." When she heard that she grabbed me in a big hug saying, "Oh, thank you! That made my day! I hope it's Him in me that makes you say that." I replied, "When I first saw you, I thought that you must be a Christian, but then I saw your bracelet and knew." She told Joel that he has the best mommy. She may think that I made her day, but she really made mine just by being there in the store.

I've been thinking a lot about the rights and wrongs of this world and the value of life. New life, old life, life that is not capable of making any tangible contribution to society. I have a neighbor who is 91. She lived through the Great Depression, WWI, a whole century of history is living next door to me. She is a poet, but she used to be a reporter. Actually, she confided the other day that poetry is getting old and she's branching out into editorial work. I would love to see what she has to say! She has an interesting perspective on life, politics, religion, family and on and on. I love to talk to her because she is a wealth of experience and wisdom. She's living on social security with the love and help of her family.

I have another soon-to-be neighbor moving in on the other side of me. She has a daughter who is mentally retarded. I've only met the daughter once, but she is thrilled to meet new people and learn their names. When we met, she was completely enamored by Aaron. She has nothing to give material wise, or even intellectually, but brightens up the atmosphere when you are with her.

So much life! So much potential!

You're probably asking, "Where are you leading me, Christal?" I'll tell you. It's ObamaCare. There are way too many things wrong with it for me to list here. But the two that just really, really get me are public funding of abortions and euthanasia. The Bible says that Satan wants to kill, steal and destroy. This bill will promote just that for the unborn and for the elderly, our future and our past, the source of our greatest riches. Please, contact your representatives and senators and voice your concern for this bill. We need an enormous public outcry against this. I recently read a quote. "Apathy is the glove that the hand of evil wears in order to keep from skinning it's knuckles while it smashes babies against the wall." Please, do something.


Michelle said...

Amen. I have been contacting my senators and representatives.

Robbie said...

I really like this, Christal. You write so well! Send this on to our senator too!